on Saturday that celebrates the beginning of the climbing season!
I know that it’s a custom in Japan to give someone a going away present when they leave, but I was extremely surprised at how many gifts I received from the students! I got a traditional outfit called a jimbei (like the one I posted awhile back of baby Cohen), lots of hand towel/handkerchiefs with Japanese print, a Japanese print hand mirror, a wind chime, a picture frame, some Japanese sweets and candies, some earrings (because I have a lot of holes), and more that I can’t think of. This was one of those times when it hit me that I was leaving. It was sorta the first of the goodbyes as my first farewell party. I may or may not see most of those students again in the next few weeks as I’m almost done teaching. If I do see them it will probably just be passing them in the halls, so it was a little sad. After the party when I was leaving I had some 3rd year student (senior) run up to me and hug me and say “I will miss you! I wish I could have practiced English with you more!!” It was funny as it’s been over a year since I taught him and I don’t even know his name. But it was cool and sad all at once.
After my English club party, I biked down to the station to meet Kelly. We went to do purikura at the newly remodeled mall in Fujinomiya. I wish it had been remodeled earlier so I could have reaped the benefits the whole time I was here, but it’s really nice and great for the city I think! Anyway, we ended up doing purikura for almost an hour! We also found some awesome Engrish shirts and bought matching ones. We wore them for some of our photo fun – it was incredible!! After we had a nice traditional Japanese dinner in the food court at a nice restaurant and then headed off to some night onsen. I had forgotten how much I loved it before I went last weekend on my trip. I will hopefully go one more time before I leave Japan, but I’m not sure it will happen or not!!

Overall it was a great evening filled with lots of “I’m really going to miss Japan” moments. So great I went as far as saying it was the “perfect” night. Speaking of gifts, a teacher just came to give me some MORE handkerchiefs as a going away present! Really cute with sakura (cherry blossoms) on them! Guess I'll never be without handkerchiefs again!
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