So I've had a lot of ups and downs in the stress levels this week due to my car accident. I was worried all weekend of course, and all day Monday while trying to hear about what was covered by my insurance and what was going to happen with my car. Tuesday I brought my car in, thinking that insurance would be able to fix it and got a loaner car. Thursday they told me it would cost 35man (about $3500) + 1 month to fix and my insurance would only cover 25man ($2500) and my car is only worth 15man ($1500). Then I asked about replacing it, they said they would pay up to $2500 for a new car. The car dealer offered to "sell" me the loaner, taking the money from the insurance company, and then buying that car back from me when I leave in three months for $500. I thought I would probably do that and ask for a bit more money. Then today I found out that if I don't replace the car, the insurance company will just pay me 25man ($2500). $2500 right into my bank account if I'm willing to torture myself with biking for 3 and a half months.
I have to double check with the insurance company that I would get the full $2500. But no matter what, if it's over $1500, I think I'm going to make myself take the money. It would be nice to have that as a cushion when moving home this summer, almost a blessing in disguise as I haven't saved a whole lot while here trying to pay off debt. I'm dreading it a little bit, but also up for the challenge. I might invest $200 in a mountain bike or something, as I live on Mt. Fuji and my little grandma bike with a basket just doesn't really cut it. I can probably sell the bike when I leave for just a little bit of money, as it'll be quite new. I'll just have to keep envisioning the $$$ in my bank account as I exert myself biking up that devil of a hill each day.
Time Anxiety and NeuroDiversion: a 2025 Preview
2 months ago
I wonder how much a scooter costs. If you get the full ¥2500 and a scooter's less than ¥1000, it might be worth it ...
I think scooters run quite a bit less than $1000, actually, depending on exactly what you're buying. Worth looking into -- except I think you do need a separate license for them here.
that's one smart friend to suggest that ;)
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