Goodbye August! The other day I was driving home from work, passing by some trees with random flowers on them. In Japan it seems, everything has a season -- strawberry season, cherry blossoms season, hydrangea season, even seasonal foods in stores and restaurants. You can't escape it. So looking at these trees, somehow my brain made the connection that I might not see these trees bloom again -- it is quite possibly my last August in Japan. I haven't decided 100% that this will be my last year in Japan, but if it is, I want to savor each moment and season as they come! I am sure each month is going to pass faster and faster. In September we have a big public holiday and I'm going away to the beach with friends. In October Dawna is coming to visit for a little over a week. In November my sister might visit (still crossing my fingers!) By then it will be December with another big holiday at work (new year's) and with January will come time for me to make the official decision about staying or going. The decision time comes long before I'll be able to apply or know if I'll be able to find a job back in the US, so it's a very nerve-racking decision to make so early!
Either way, I need cherish each moment here and remember to take risks. I've fallen into a comfort zone in the past 6 months. That in itself is amazing when living in a foreign country, but at the same time I want to keep bettering my experience here in Japan. Live the experience to the best it can possibly be by going out of my comfort zone. And by doing that, the first time might be going out of the comfort zone, but each time after that is just expanding the boundaries and making my comfort bubble bigger and bigger and in the end, the experience that much better. I realize that was a really vague paragraph and somewhat cliche, but is true for me. So, here's to the next 11 months in Japan -- cheers!
Time Anxiety and NeuroDiversion: a 2025 Preview
2 months ago
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